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Terms & Conditions

  • 1.General

    1.1 These terms and conditions (‘General Terms’) are for business customers ordering Services for business purposes only. Any Services ordered under this Agreement are not to be used for domestic or residential purposes and you will not have the benefit of any rights that apply only to consumers under Applicable Law. These terms should be read alongside the other documents that comprise the Agreement.

    1.2 The terms of the Agreement apply to all Orders you place for Services.

    1.3 You shall ensure that your Order is complete and accurate and you shall be fully responsible and liable for all information set out on Orders you place with us.

    2. Definitions

    The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply to this Agreement.

    Acceptable Use Policy: Our acceptable use policy applicable to the Services which is available at the Website updated by us from time to time.

  • Insert Pozitive Logo
    Address details
    Phone number.
    Web details

    As a regulated provider of mobile services Pozitive has an obligation to abide by the rules of The Communications Regulator Ofcom, specifically General Condition C8. Rule C8 was introduced to ensure mobile retailers offer services correctly, do not mis-sell mobile service nor create complaints about any sales.

    How we should behave.
    We must have processes and training in place to ensure our staff are aware of this rule and comply with its obligations. Any information we give you must be accurate and not misleading.

    Where you speak with our sales staff, they must provide you with accurate information and they will also ask you whether you want information they give you over the phone sent to you by email as well. They must not be aggressive, dishonest, mislead or deceive you, or act inappropriately when discussing your requirements.

    We will ensure that the services we sell to you are available for you to receive.

    Where a sales incentive (cashback, a free gift etc) is offered during a sales call, we will send you a copy of the details of that incentive in good time after the call has finished.

    Where your contract includes a mobile handset

    Before we can agree the purchase with you, we must check your authority to enter into the purchase and that you want to commit to a contract. We will provide you with the Contract Information and Contract Summary before you agree to buy. This means giving you the details about the handset you’re buying, how long the contract will be, what your monthly charge will be, what’s included in your monthly charge and what will happen if you decide to cancel your contract. These documents will include our details as the provider and any sales incentive (cashback, free gift etc).

    Where a sales incentive is included in your contract but is not immediately available to you, we will make it clear what it is you must do, if anything, to receive the benefits of that incentive and the name and contact details of the legal entity providing those benefits. We must keep a record of your sale for at least six months. The record will include the date of the sale, the place the sale was made or whether the sale was made online, by email or on the phone and details of any sales incentive included.

    If there was a sales incentive that came with your purchase and the redemption period for the free gift is longer than six months, we must keep a record of this along with the record of your sale for the duration of the redemption period plus a further 90 days.

    The record of the sale will enable us to show that you agreed to take out the contract as well as the details of the date and the type of contract you agreed to.

    More Information

    If you would like a copy of General Condition C8 you can download it [insert link] or we can send you a copy free of charge. Just call us [ number ] and we’ll be happy to send it to you.

    We constantly monitor our sales activities and complaints to ensure we are complying with these rules and providing you with the best service possible.

    At any time you can request information in a form which is more accessible for you, please see our Vulnerable Policy [insert link] for details or ask the sales team for further information.

  • General Service Obligations


    • About Pozitive Telecom and this Code of Practice
    • How to contact Customer Service
    • Our Services
    • Ordering our Services
    • Terms and Conditions
    • Our Supporting Documents
    • Cancelling your contract
    • Switching providers and moving your number between providers
    • Early Termination Charges
    • Our Price List Information
    • Fault Reporting
    • Services to support the disabled or vulnerable
    • Our Compensation Scheme
    • Directory Enquiry Entries
    • Nuisance and Malicious Calls
    • The Telephone Preference Service (“TPS”)
    • Data protection

    General Service Obligations

    1. About Pozitive Telecom and this Code of Practice

    We always aim to deliver the best possible service and provide you with the highest levels of care. This code of practice provides information on how, we, Pozitive Telecom, intend to provide our service(s), where you can find further information and additional support.

    We are regulated by the Office of Communications (“Ofcom”) and as such we have a requirement to adhere to all the relevant obligations.

    If you require copies of this code in other formats please contact Customer Services, details of how can be found in the next section.

    2. How to contact Customer Service

    Customer Service are happy to discuss any queries you may have. They are available Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm.

    Please contact them:

    By Phone: [ ]
    By Email at : [ address ]
    Our Webchat services is available at : [ details ]
    Or if you would rather write to us please send any correspondence to: [ address ]
    The Telesales Team are available at:
    [additional or different telesales information or accounts?]

    3. Our Services

    Pozitive Telecom have a number of services available to support your business all in one place.

    Our Mobile package [ description]

    Please be advised that services maybe disrupted or not work in the event of a power cut or network outage.

    Ordering our Services

    Please contact the Telesales Team who are available Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm [ as per above or repeat info or different], who are happy to discuss your requirements.

    4. Terms and Conditions

    Our Terms and Conditions, Mobile Service Terms and / or Mobile Equipment Terms can be found here: [link]. We also provide Contract Information, a Contract Summary and our Terms and Conditions when you sign-up. The Contract Information and Contract Summary will be specific to the services you choose.

    If you require us to provide a contract or any other information in other formats which makes things easier for you, please contact Customer Services who will be happy to provide you with any documents you require.

    To sign up as a Pozitive Telecom customer, you must read and agree to the Contract Summary, Contract Information, the Terms and Conditions Mobile Service Terms and / or Mobile Equipment Terms. Together with our Acceptable and Fair Use Policy these documents form your contract.

    Your monthly charges will increase on 1 April by an amount up to the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rate in December of the prior year plus 3.9% or 3.9% if there is no increase in CPI during such period. In each case any increase will be rounded up to the nearest whole pence.

    All our services are subject to a Minimum Service Period of 24 months. If you wish to cancel your service before the end of your 24 month Minimum Service Period then Early Termination Charges may apply. Please note Clause 15.2 of the Terms and Conditions.

    5. Our Supporting Documents

    We have a number of other documents which we hope help explain and support you using our services. These include our:

    • Acceptable and Fair Use Policy
    • Privacy Policy
    • Bad Debt Policy
    • Complaints Policy
    • Vulnerable Policy
    • Roaming Policy
    • Mobile Sales statement
    • Using Premium Rate Services
    • Moving your mobile number. PAC codes explained.

    Acceptable and Fair Use Policy – This document explains how our services must be used and the steps which will be taken if our services are not being used in the correct manner. This policy explains what we consider as reasonable use of our services.

    Privacy Policy – We treat all information in confidence and use it to inform the management and operation of our products and services. For more on how we use your information, please see our [Privacy Policy].

    Bad Debt Policy – Unfortunately circumstances change and difficulties can occur making payment difficult. This policy provides advice on things you can do if the worst happens. This policy can be found here – [ insert link]

    Complaints Policy – We always want to provide the best possible service, unfortunately things do go wrong. This policy advises how to get in touch and how we will deal with your complaint. This policy can be found here – [ insert link]

    Our Vulnerable Policy – This explains other services we offer so you can make the most of our services. This includes documents in different formats, services to support your needs and other useful information. This policy can be found here – [ insert link] This explains other services we offer so you can make the most of our services. This includes documents in different formats, services to support your needs and other useful information. This policy can be found here – [ insert link]

    Roaming Policy – Please see our Roaming Policy for more information on how this service works and the costs involved when abroad. This policy can be found here – [ insert link]

    Premium Rate Services – This document explains the cost of calling non-geographic numbers and how Premium Rate Services work. As these calls can be very expensive, we recommend you review this document before making calls to numbers beginning with 084, 087, 09. This policy can be found here – [ insert link]

    6. Cancelling your contract

    You have the right to cancel your service at any time in accordance with clause 15 of our Terms and Conditions [ ]. There are a number of ways to do this: phone us on [ ] via email at [ ], write to us at the address above or by using our webchat [ ].

    All our services have a Minimum Service Period of 24 months. Should you choose to cancel your service during this period then Early Termination Charges[1] may apply. Once your Minimum Service Period has ended, you can cancel your contract at any time on 30 days’ notice without penalty. If you choose to switch your service(s) to another provider your contract will be cancelled on completion of the switch. If this is within your Minimum Service Period, Early Termination Charges may be applied.

    If your account is in credit after the cancellation has been completed we will process any relevant refunds, less any outstanding charges and any Early Termination Charges you owe us. If, after this, any outstanding charges remain these will need to be paid in full before your account can be closed. Switching services to a new provider will not cancel any monies owed to us.

    7. Switching providers and moving your number between providers

    Bringing your mobile number with you

    When changing providers and keeping your number you’ll need to obtain what’s called a PAC code (Port Authorisation Code) from your current provider and give this to [Customer Services]. The PAC code is made up of a 9-character code comprising 3 capital letters followed by 6 numbers. For further information on moving you mobile number please see to our information page here [Moving your mobile number. PAC codes explained].

    8. When changing provider

    If you decide to move away from Pozitive Telecom your contract will be cancelled on completion of the switch to your new provider. Any outstanding charges, including any Early Termination Charges, will be payable before your account will be closed.

    If your account is in credit after the cancellation has been completed we will process any relevant refunds, less all outstanding charges you owe us. If there are any outstanding charges on your account, these will need to be paid in full before your account is closed. Switching services to a new provider will not cancel any monies owed.

    9. Early Termination Charges

    You may terminate any of the services you have with us at any time by giving 30 days’ notice. However, if you are still within the Minimum Service Period Early Termination Charges may apply. Early Termination Charges are calculated by:

    The sum of all outstanding Monthly Charges, calculated at a daily rate (but excluding VAT) minus 3%, plus VAT.

  • We are committed to offering the very best in customer service. However, we know that things do sometimes go wrong and we are committed to resolving any complaints in a timely manner.

    Pozitive will endeavour to resolve any complaint to your satisfaction. Where this is not possible you have the option of referring your complaint to an alternative dispute resolution service. We are members of the Ombudsman Service, and in the event you wish to take your complaint further, the details of this service can be found at the end of this document.

    Step 1
    If your complaint is related to a service you received from Pozitive Telecom, please call our Customer Care Team on [tel 0333 ], or

    • send an email to [ ], please include all the information specified above.
    • write to us at the following address:
    • raise a complaint via [webchat].

    When sending an email or writing to us please include the following information as this will enable us to handle your complaint more efficiently:

    • Your name and any relevant account details;
    • The date the problem occurred and details of the problem;
    • Your telephone number;

    Our team will discuss with you your complaint and try to resolve your complaint with you as quickly as possible. This will normally be carried out over the phone; however, if a call is not suitable, please advise how we best get in touch with you.

    If it is not possible to resolve your complaint in the immediate term we will advise of the steps which will be taken and the timescales. Where a complaint needs further information and cannot be resolved immediately, we aim to update you in 10 days; however, this may not always be possible depending on the nature of the complaint.

    Step 2
    If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint is being handled or the response we have provided, you can ask for your complaint to be escalated by being passed to our Complaints Team, who will undertake an independent internal review.

    Please be aware that our Complaints Team can only assist with matters that our Customer Care Team have dealt with first. You can contact our Complaints Team by emailing [ ]

    Once we have proposed a resolution for the complaint, we require you to confirm you are happy with the outcome within 28 days. After this time the complaint will be deemed closed.

    If you are unhappy with our conclusion of your complaint after it has through the process under step 2, you may refer the issue to the Ombudsman Service, details can be found below.

    Your right to have the matter referred to ADR

    If you have not received a satisfactory response from us and we have reached ‘deadlock’ or eight weeks have passed since you first registered your complaint, it can be referred to Ombudsman Services (https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/communications) for their impartial review. This service is free of charge to you. Any decision they make will be binding on us, but not on you, so you can seek further advice if you wish to.

    To take your complaint to the Ombudsman Service, we will send you an ADR letter, which you will need to share with them. We are required to send an ADR letter to you:

    • a) where your complaint has been through every stage of our internal complaints process and we have informed you of the outcome of that investigation, you have confirmed that you do not consider the proposed outcome to be satisfactory, and we have confirmed that we do not intend to take any further action with regard to the dispute; or
    • b) automatically, if after 8 (eight) weeks of lodging your complaint and us confirming receipt, it remains unresolved.

    Contact details for the Ombudsman Service are as follows:

    Independent support

    Independent advice is available to domestic and microbusiness customers at any stage from Citizens Advice. You may wish to contact Citizens Advice if you need help in relation to your rights concerning a communications service – for example with your bills or meters, or if you’re struggling to pay for the communications services you use.

    Go to https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/ scroll down to the Phone, TV or internet section.

    You can contact an adviser through the national phone service:

    • Adviceline free (England): 0800 144 8848
    • Advicelink free (Wales): 0800 702 2020

    Advice Helpline free (Scotland): 0800 028 1456

    Relay UK – this service maybe easier if you trouble using the phone or can’t hear or speak easily, you can type what you want to say:

    18001 then the Adviceline or Advicelink number. You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. There’s no extra charge to use it. Find out how to use Relay UK on the Relay UK website.

    Adviceline is available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. It’s usually busiest at the beginning and end of the day. It’s not available on public holidays.

  • Our full Terms and Conditions can be here: Pozitive Telecom LTD – General terms and conditions

    1. General

    • This Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”), forms part of Customer’s Agreement with Pozitive, as defined in Section 2 of the ‘Terms’ and Section of the ‘Mobile Services – Service Terms’ (as applicable) (“Terms and Conditions”). The Policy covers the usage obligations for Customer and their Users[1] in respect of the Pozitive Services and all equipment provided by Pozitive to Customers in connection with the Pozitive Services.
    • The Policy also has a section covering the behaviour that Pozitive expects of Customers and Users, whether interacting with Pozitive employees and agents (in person, over the phone or on webchat) or other users of Pozitive services.
    • Customer must notify Pozitive as soon as reasonably practicable of any breach of this Policy and must cooperate with Pozitive promptly and follow its reasonable instructions in order to stop or remedy such breach.
    • Capitalised terms (that aren’t proper nouns) used within this Policy shall be as defined in the Terms and Conditions.
    • Pozitive shall at all times act reasonably and in good faith in connection with the application and enforcement of this Policy.

    1 Updates to the Policy

    • Pozitive may update or amend this Policy at any time, and any such policy will be available on the Pozitive website: www.pozitiveplanet.com. Customer’s continued use of the Pozitive Services after any change to the Policy constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of the updated Policy.

    Prohibited Activities using Pozitive’s Services

    • Customer must, and shall procure that Users must, only use the Pozitive Services:
      • as set out in this Policy and the Terms and Conditions;
      • for legitimate and reasonable business purposes, and such use should not exceed that reasonably expected of a reasonable person using them for these purposes . As an example, without limitation, Pozitive consider that if Customer/Users regularly use multiple devices with one SIM or multiple SIMs with one device, that this is unlikely to be legitimate use as intended under the Terms and Conditions; and
      • for Customer’s and Users’ own direct use. This means Customers and Users must not resell or commercially exploit any of Pozitive Services or Pozitive’s content.
        • Customer shall be responsible for Users’ authorised or unauthorised use of the Services and shall be responsible for using appropriately strong passwords and keeping them secure and for any use made of those passwords.
        • Customer and/or their Users must not directly or indirectly use Pozitive Services, the SIM or Pozitive phone number, or allow anyone else to use Pozitive Services, the SIM or Pozitive phone number for unlawful or improper uses, including without limitation:
      • for fraudulent, criminal or other unlawful activity which includes (without limitation) making nuisance calls, unlawful file-sharing or downloads, or viewing unlawful content;
      • in any way which breaches another person’s rights including copyright or other intellectual property rights;
      • generating content or otherwise using the Service that in any way may be, or may be perceived as harmful to others, or Pozitive’s services or reputation, is offensive, threatening, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene or an annoyance, or is otherwise contrary to Applicable Law;
      • to copy, store, modify, publish or distribute Pozitive Services, equipment or their content, except where Pozitive gives Customer permission. This includes, without limitation, any attempt by Customer or a User to interrogate a SIM Card or reverse engineer the code on a SIM Card;
      • to download, send or upload content of an excessive size, quantity or frequency or to make an unusually high volume of calls, (judged in each case in relation to customers’ typical use of such services), such that the Customer’s use is having, for example, a material adverse impact on Pozitive’s network, systems and/or other customers. Pozitive will contact the Customer if the Customer’s or a User’s use is deemed excessive and discuss steps to remedy the issue (discussed further in section 6 below);
      • usage that is contrary to good faith commercial practice;
      • threatening the integrity or security of any device, network or system including the transmission of viruses, harmful components or malware;
      • to send or publish bulk messages (including but not limited to marketing messages, notifications or automated content), make bulk phone calls or to generate artificially inflated traffic or act in any way which breaches any security or other safeguards or in any other way which harms or interferes with the Pozitive Network, the networks or systems of others or Pozitive Services; or
      • to use or provide to others any unauthorised directory or details about Pozitive customers

      each a “Prohibited Activity.”

      • Customer and/or their Users must:
      • When using the Services, not show or send content from any age-restricted services to anyone under 18; and
      • ensure that access to any age-restricted services is deactivated if anyone under 18 uses the equipment through which Services are accessed.

    4 Responsible Use of Services

    • Customer must, and shall procure that Users must, only use the Pozitive Services:
      • take appropriate action, including suspension and/or termination of the Pozitive Services wholly or partially, in accordance with this Policy and/or the relevant Terms; or
      • take recourse as set out in Section 6 of this Policy and/or the Terms and Conditions.

    5 Abusive or Harassing Behaviour by Customer or Users

    • Customer acknowledges and agrees that Pozitive has a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying and harassment in any form. As part of this, Pozitive believes that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and Pozitive does not condone any types of unacceptable behaviour or abuse including harassment, intimidation or bullying of Pozitive’s customers or employees. If Pozitive determines in Pozitive’s sole opinion (acting reasonably) that Customer or their Users have acted in a manner that is inconsistent with reasonable customer behaviour and in breach of this Section, Pozitive reserves the right to respond in the following ways:
      • If Customer or their Users abuse or harass Pozitive’s contact centre advisors, Pozitive follow a “One Strike” policy to cease the conduct immediately or the interaction will be terminated. If the abuse or harassment continues, the advisors will end the call or webchat and make a record of the incident on Customer’s account.
      • Depending on the severity and frequency of the abuse, Pozitive may decide to suspend or disconnect Customer’s account and/or the Pozitive Service(s) wholly or partially, as well as take additional measures to prevent contact with Pozitive’s advisors in the future, for example by blocking Customer’s IP address(es) and/or number(s).
      • Any threatening conduct will be reported to the police immediately, and a record will be placed on Customer’s account.
    • If Customer’s and/or its Users’ conduct results in disconnection of Customer’s account and/or the Pozitive Service(s) wholly or partially, an Administration Fee as set out in our price list [insert link] may be payable in addition to all outstanding sums payable under Agreement falling immediately due. Please see clauses 6 and 15 of the relevant Terms and Conditions.

    6 Monitoring and Breaches of the Policy

    • Pozitive may, in its sole discretion (acting reasonably), run manual or automatic systems and monitoring of the volume and type of use of the Pozitive Services by Customer or their Users’ in order to ensure that such use is compliant with the relevant terms of this Policy and the Terms and Conditions at all times. Pozitive may also carry out such monitoring activity where required or permitted by Applicable Law.
    • If Pozitive believes that Customer or their Users have breached this Policy or Section 6 of the Terms and Conditions, or Customer has engaged in a Prohibited Activity, the actions Pozitive may take may include but are not restricted to:
    • investigating the possible breach;
    • notifying Customer of the breach;
    • contacting Customer to gather further information, request Customer or their Users moderate their usage, or to discuss Pozitive’s concerns;
    • issuing a formal warning to Customer;
    • blocking electronic communications which Pozitive reasonably believes have breached this Policy or the Terms and Conditions;
    • restriction of Customer’s or User’s access to all or any part of the Pozitive Services with immediate effect;
    • introduce traffic management measures;
    • whole or partial suspension of Customer’s account and access to the Pozitive Services with immediate effect; and/or
    • whole or partial termination of Customer’s account(s) and access to the Pozitive Services with or without notice;
      • Additional action may apply if Pozitive believes that Customers or Users have engaged in conduct that could be viewed as abusive or harassing towards Pozitive’s employees, contractors or agents. These are detailed above in Section 5.
      • Pozitive reserves the right to charge Customer any costs and expenses (properly and reasonably incurred), whether direct or indirect, associated with preventing or responding to Customer’s breach of this Policy and/or responding to associated third party complaints.
      • Nothing in this Section limits Pozitive’s rights and remedies (available at law or in equity) in any way with respect to a breach of this Policy, a Prohibited Activity or the Terms and Conditions.

    7 Data Protection

    • Pozitive reserves the right to use Customer account information and Users’ Personal Data (as defined in the Terms and Conditions) in connection with any investigation carried out by Pozitive in accordance with this Policy, the Terms and Conditions and Pozitive’s privacy notice, available at https://pozitivedev.wpengine.com/legal/privacy-policy/. For example, Pozitive may disclose relevant data and account information to any third-parties that Pozitive considers have a legitimate interest in any such investigation or its outcome, including without limitation, the police.

    [1] In this Policy, a “User” means an individual end user of the Service provided to the Customer.

  • Roaming charges vary depending on where in the world you are and where you are calling. We break the calls down into nine zones so you see how much a call will cost from each zone to another.

    Charges for roaming in the EU

    Outside the UK or EU

    If you are outside the UK or the EU you will be charged for all you call minutes, texts and data. Please the see [link] which details all the respective call charges you pay when making or receiving calls when outside of the UK and the EU. This will include sending texts message[2] and receiving calls.

    Calls made using Teams, WhatsApp, Skype or other over the top data services will be charged [ taken from ] from your data allowance whether in the UK or roaming. Due to the way you charged outside of the UK or EU we strongly recommend, where possible, you connect to a local WiFi service for all your data services.

    Any roaming charges you have incurred will be shown on your next monthly bill.

    Other information

    What happens if I have a Spend Cap?

    If you have a spend cap in place to help control your bills you may need to check it and increase the cap when travelling abroad. Roaming charges count towards your spend cap, so if you reach your limit, we will automatically block usage to prevent unwanted charges. To check your usage please go to [ my account at [link]] and check your daily usage.

    Regardless of any cap’s which may be in place we will send you an alert as you reach £50 spend to help you stay aware of your spend.

    All calls

    If any individual call lasts more than 120 minutes we will automatically cut you off. This applies to all calls whether you are roaming or not.

    [1] Calls made using Teams, WhatsApp, Skype or other over the top data services will be charged from your data allowance whether in the UK or roaming.

    [2] You will be charged for all text messages. If your text message is over 160 characters you will be charged for a further text message each time you are over the 160 characters.

  • Introduction

    Telephone numbers in the UK are set out in two sections: geographic (01 and 02) and non-geographic (03, 084, 087, 09, 118). As you would expect, geographic numbers are generally linked to a location. Non-geographic numbers, unlike geographic telephone numbers, and the cost of calling these numbers, is not linked to a specific UK location i.e. a town.

    The costs of calling any non-geographic number can vary and you should always check the rates associated with these calls [insert price list link].

    What are Non-geographic numbers

    Non-geographic numbers include numbers beginning with ’03’, ‘084’, ‘087’, ’09’ or 118 .

    Sometimes, these numbers are called ‘Service’ or ‘Premium Rate Service’ numbers and have have a two-part charge for calling them.

    Calls to 03 numbers

    03 numbers are increasingly used by businesses as their main customer contact numbers and for business to business communication. Calls to 03 numbers have to cost the same as calls to 01 and 02 geographic numbers. So, we’ve included calls to these numbers as part of your package.

    What are Premium Rate Services (PRS)?

    Premium Rate Services (PRS) are regulated by the Phone-Paid Services Authority[1] and are sometimes known as Phone-Paid Services. These non-geographic numbers (those beginning 087, 09 & 118) can be used to make purchases and the charge is made to your phone bill.

    Numbers which support Premium Rate Services are often used to call services such as: recorded information, competitions, voting, directory enquiry information, advice or chat lines.

    Those companies providing these services, as mentioned above, are called Service Providers.

    It is important to note that calls to these services vary considerably and it is important to check the cost of calling to avoid large bills. Please see our price list [ insert link]. The Service Provider should make it clear in their adverts the cost of making calls to their service.

    Sometimes, non-geographic Premium Rate Services are called Number Translation Services and the terms NTS and PRS are used interchangeably.

    Other non-geographic numbers begin:

    • 0800 and 0808 numbers or ‘Freephone’ numbers are free to the caller from landlines and mobiles. These calls will not be shown on your bill.
    • Texts or Short code numbers which can be 4, 5 or 6 digits in length are called SMS (Short Message Service) short codes. These are often used by businesses to allow customers to opt-in to SMS campaigns, alert services, or to enter SMS competitions. Like Premium Rate numbers, these may cost more to call/text than standard numbers. See our price list [insert link].
    • 070 referred to as ‘Personal Numbers’. These are often used as a ‘follow me’ service where calls are diverted from one number to another. Therefore, the person being called keeps their number private. 070 numbers differ from mobile numbers which usually begin with 071 to 075 or 077 to 079. See our price list [insert link].

    Cost of calling non-geographic and Premium Rate Service (PRS) Numbers

    Calls to non-geographic numbers (calls beginning 084, 087, 09 and 118) are charged in two parts – the Access Charge and the Service Charge.

    The Access Charge is charged by us for originating and passing the call over our network. This charge is made at a pence per minute rate. See our price list [insert link].

    The Service Charge is set and charged by the network operator who terminates the call and enables you to access the service (Service Provider) once your call is connected. This charge should be made clear and advertised by the Service Provider alongside their number. This charge is not set by Pozitive Telecom.

    Your cost for making a call to a non-geographic number is the cost of the Access Charge and the Service Charge together. Your invoice will show the charge for both elements. We will pass on the Service Charge to the Service Provider.

    You will be able to find all the relevant charges in our price list [insert link].

    Further detail regarding the cost of calling non-geographic numbers

    084* – these calls will be charged at no more than 7 pence per minute (inc. VAT) or 7 pence per call (inc. VAT) where the Service Charge is set exclusively at a pence per call rate, plus our Access Charge.

    087*- these calls will be charged at no more than 13 pence per minute (inc. VAT) or 13 pence per call (inc. VAT) where the Service Charge is set exclusively at a pence per call rate, plus our Access Charge

    09* – these calls will be charged at no more than £3.60 pence per minute (inc. VAT) or £6.00 per call (inc. VAT) where the Service Charge is set exclusively at a pence per call rate, plus our Access Charge.

    118* – Directory Enquiry numbers these should not be charged at more than £3.65 (inc. VAT) per 90 seconds or £3.65 (inc. VAT) where the Service Charge is set exclusively at a pence per call rate, plus our Access Charge.

    Text Messages & SMS short codes. Usually beginning with 2, 6, 7 or 8 and can be 4, 5, or 6 digits long. Sending texts to certain short codes from your landline can be considerable expensive. Call to the following should always be checked:

    • 087 business information lines;
    • Mobile games;
    • Competitions and quizzes;